The Space Race: Breaking the frontiers of performance
1969. The race to the moon. A team committed to conquering the odds through clear vision, benchmark performance, simulated practice and partnership.
What high-performance habits will help you transcend limitations and conquer the new world?
The Space Race caused the world’s two superpowers to go to battle to prove their superiority by being the first to reach the unreachable space. The battleground was ideological, psychological and technological, because to win, you had to do the undoable – put a man on the moon and bring him back safely again.
In many ways, the Space Race is an epic tale of the human spirit overcoming limitations, raising the bar, working together, harnessing the best of our abilities and skills to achieve the impossible.
What started as a race between nations, ended as a leap forward for the human race – a promise not just of what we can achieve, but of who we can become. It was a spectacular achievement – scientifically, financially, creatively – and it required imagination, vision, faith, courage, stamina and sacrifice.
A framework for extraordinary performance
Relevant in a highly competitive global community, this high-performance case study will show how the impossible is possible. The unique analysis and interpretation of what it took to win the Space Race provides a practical framework for extraordinary performance, in an achievable way.
Explore this well-known story of achievement through our high-performance lens and identify the performance drivers at play: context and clarity of vision; the right people; an enabling environment; a clear process; marginal gains and a greater purpose collectively played a pivotal role in enabling one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.
“Today we’re really going to do it, we’re going to land on the moon.” – Gene Kranz
Ignite team and leadership conversations
How will we get the most out of others, and ourselves?
How could we optimise performance and innovation by having a clear vision?
How could we build resilience and teamwork, and nurture and grow the right talent?
How will we recognise and monitor the marginal gains that elevate our performance? And how will we use that data?
Format and Approach
Engage your teams in a multimedia, facilitator-led conversation on Zoom, supported with interactive moderated conversations in breakout rooms (hosted by our team of Pod Coaches).
This case study is available in a 90-minute or 180-minute online (Zoom) format.
How does it work?
Contact us to let us know that you want LRMG to share this case study with your team
We will work with you to design or customise key conversation and reflection questions
Participants will get a link to a pre-case study primer to complete prior to the presentation and conversation
Your team will receive our Transcend! Toolkit as a take-away to ignite further learning and reflection
“I think we’re going to the moon because it’s in the nature of the human being to face challenges.” – Neil Armstrong